Singing Guide: Freestyle Fellowship

Singing Guide: Freestyle Fellowship

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're interested in learning how to sing like the legendary rap group Freestyle Fellowship, then you're in luck. The group is known for their unique style, combining hip hop with jazz, funk, and other genres. Their music is characterized by intricate rhymes, melodic flow, and rhythm that borderlines on scat singing.

To sing like Freestyle Fellowship, one of the first things to do is listen to and study their catalog. Pay attention to their complex rhymes, creative wordplay, and the way they use their voice as an instrument. One of the most unique aspects of Freestyle Fellowship's style is their use of vocal improvisation, which is heavily influenced by jazz.

Once you've familiarized yourself with Freestyle Fellowship's style, work on developing your own vocal improvisation skills. This can be done by practicing scat singing, where you use your voice to create rhythmic patterns and melodies on the fly. The vocal training game, Pitch Training, offered by Singing Carrots can help with this.

To master Freestyle Fellowship's style, it's important to have excellent breath control. Check out Singing Carrots' articles on breathing basics and breath support. With proper breathing technique, you'll be able to keep up with Freestyle Fellowship's fast-paced rhymes and complex rhythms.

When practicing, warm up with some vocal exercises. Twang Exercise, Farinelli Breathing and Finger Bite exercises are especially useful for developing the kind of vocal agility and precision necessary for Freestyle Fellowship style. If your voice is more towards nasality, Soft Palate and Stop Sounding Nasal exercises found in Skill-related Videos will be of more interest to you.

Also, make sure to pay attention to your posture while singing. Good Singing Posture is necessary to achieve the dynamic range that Freestyle Fellowship's style demands. Finally, Singing Carrots' course for beginners, which explores everything from vocal ranges to vibrato, can help you learn singing fundamentals.

Some popular songs to showcase Freestyle Fellowship's style include: "7th Seal," "Inner City Boundaries," and "Park Bench People." With consistent practice and a diligent approach, learning to sing like Freestyle Fellowship is entirely possible.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.